All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
وضعت فيلد إنترتينمنت إرشادات معزّزة للصحة والسلامة نشترط عليك اتّباعها أثناء حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد”. لا شك في إمكانية الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) في أي مكان عام يتواجد فيه الناس. ومن المعروف أن فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) مرض شديد العدوى يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إعياء شديد وإلى الوفاة. ووفقًا لما ذكرته هيئات الصحة، يكون كبار السن والضيوف الذين يعانون من ظروف صحية طويلة المدى أو أمراض مزمنة معرّضين للإصابة على وجه الخصوص. وعلى الضيوف تقييم المخاطر المتعلقة بهم لتحديد ما إذا كانوا سيحضرون أم لا. ويعني حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد” أنك تتحمل طواعية كل المخاطر المتعلقة بالتعرّض للإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19).
All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
وضعت فيلد إنترتينمنت إرشادات معزّزة للصحة والسلامة نشترط عليك اتّباعها أثناء حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد”. لا شك في إمكانية الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) في أي مكان عام يتواجد فيه الناس. ومن المعروف أن فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) مرض شديد العدوى يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إعياء شديد وإلى الوفاة. ووفقًا لما ذكرته هيئات الصحة، يكون كبار السن والضيوف الذين يعانون من ظروف صحية طويلة المدى أو أمراض مزمنة معرّضين للإصابة على وجه الخصوص. وعلى الضيوف تقييم المخاطر المتعلقة بهم لتحديد ما إذا كانوا سيحضرون أم لا. ويعني حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد” أنك تتحمل طواعية كل المخاطر المتعلقة بالتعرّض للإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19).
All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
All guests age 2 and older are required to have a ticket.
Guest health and safety remains a top priority for Disney On Ice and our venue partners. Please monitor the “More Venue Info” link for venue policies, including health and safety protocols, which are subject to change.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Please see the FAQs page
Glide and dance your way into the worlds of Frozen & Encanto with music and dancing alongside Elsa and Mirabel, celebrating the amazing gifts that make each of us unique. Enhance your Disney On Ice show ticket with a preshow Character Experience that includes games, storytelling, crafting and interactive time with Elsa and Mirabel. Bring your personal device for photo opportunities.
NOTE: Adults & children, ages 2 and up, must have both a Character Experience ticket and a Disney On Ice show ticket to attend the Character Experience. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
وضعت فيلد إنترتينمنت إرشادات معزّزة للصحة والسلامة نشترط عليك اتّباعها أثناء حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد”. لا شك في إمكانية الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) في أي مكان عام يتواجد فيه الناس. ومن المعروف أن فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) مرض شديد العدوى يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إعياء شديد وإلى الوفاة. ووفقًا لما ذكرته هيئات الصحة، يكون كبار السن والضيوف الذين يعانون من ظروف صحية طويلة المدى أو أمراض مزمنة معرّضين للإصابة على وجه الخصوص. وعلى الضيوف تقييم المخاطر المتعلقة بهم لتحديد ما إذا كانوا سيحضرون أم لا. ويعني حضور أحد استعراضات “ديزني على الجليد” أنك تتحمل طواعية كل المخاطر المتعلقة بالتعرّض للإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19).