Movement is a great way to break up your daily routine, get your heart rate up, and have a little fun. Add the whole family and Mickey Mouse into the mix, and you’ve got yourself a proper dance party!
Mickey and our Disney On Ice host will lead you and your kids through the Mouse Bounce to get everyone off the couch and dancing like you’re at one of our shows right in your own home. If you want to sing along while you shake it, just follow the bouncing Mickey in the video to guide you through the lyrics.
Once you’ve mastered the Mouse Bounce here are a few ideas to kick it up a notch:
- Play freeze dance. When the music stops, everyone poses like a statue as their favourite character in a Disney On Ice show.
- Add props. Grab your Mouse ears, pixie wand or even a simple ribbon to add a new layer to the dance.
- Do the Mouse Bounce like your favourite character. Whether it’s Elsa or Ursula, every member of the family can pick a character and try to work their iconic moves into the dance.
- Freestyle! Let imaginations fly and come up with your own version. We’d love to see what you do, so be sure to use #DisneyOnIceUK when sharing on social.